Information for potential Investors

Donors & Investors

The SANAD Fund for MSME is open to public and private donors, international financial institutions, and private investors. As a public-private partnership, SANAD is uniquely positioned to leverage donor funds and mobilize private capital that might otherwise not be attracted to the sector.

Current public investors and international financial instutitions include the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European UnionKfW Development BankSwitzerland's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank (OeEB), and the Dutch Development Bank FMO.


The funding provided by the European Union is part of the EU Initiative for Financial Inclusion: “The EU Initiative for Financial Inclusion is a comprehensive programme to help small and medium-sized businesses in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean regions to become more competitive and grow. Through finance and know-how, we are boosting development and creating jobs.” 

Private investors include GLS Bank, Calvert Impact Capital, Hauck & Aufhäuser Fund Services, and Finance in Motion.

“Given the evolving, dynamic socio-economic landscape in Egypt, Arab-African International Bank was keen to empower disenfranchised segments and help advance inclusive growth. We took the initiative to serve microentrepreneurs together with SANAD by founding a new microfinance provider: Sandah for Business Finance. We see Sandah not only as a profitable venture but also as another pillar that supports the vision of financial inclusion.”

Nevine Aly Sabbour, Head of Business Strategies & Finance Group
Arab-African International Bank

Unique positioning

SANAD’s strong framework enables investors to achieve development objectives

  • Blended finance fund structure leverages public capital to provide a substantial risk cushion to mobilize private investors
  • Debt and equity financing strengthen local financial sector
  • Financial investments are complemented by technical assistance for nonfinancial support
  • Local regional offices provide on-the-ground market expertise and proximity to partners

“GLS Bank is strongly aware of the economic obstacles the MENA region has to overcome. This is today more apparent than ever before when considering the political and societal instability of several countries in the region. Supporting economic stability and sustainable growth is a core value of GLS Bank, and we consider SANAD a good investment vehicle for investor engagement.”

Karsten Kührlings, Head of Investment Funds & Research
GLS Bank

Capital Structure

Debt Sub-Fund

Equity Sub-Fund


The SANAD Fund for MSME was initiated by KfW Development Bank in 2011 with funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union.

In 2013, KfW joined the fund as an investor.

Investor Factsheets

Contact for Private Investors

HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Are you an investor looking to make an impact?

We strongly believe that supporting employment generation is of utmost importance to the Middle East and North Africa. When you invest with us, we place your capital to our partner institutions in the region, who lend hardworking people financial and technical support to build businesses, fostering employment and prosperity.

Finance in Motion, a leading impact asset manager based in Frankfurt, Germany, and exclusively focused on development finance, acts as the fund’s advisor.

Become an Investor


Let’s create impact together.

Would you like to learn more about SANAD’s investment opportunities? Please fill out the form and we will get in touch:

  • For donor agencies and international financial institutions investment opportunities, please contact:

    KfW Development Bank
    Ines Ebrecht

    Palmengartenstr. 5-9
    60325 Frankfurt am Main

    T +49 (0) 69 7431 - 3968
    F +49 (0) 69 7431 - 3279
  • For private institutional and semi-institutional investment opportunities, please contact:

    Finance in Motion GmbH, Luxembourg Branch
    43, rue Sainte Zithe
    2763 Luxembourg

    T + 352 (0) 28 99 59 59
  • For Technical Assistance Facility support of donor agencies, international financial institutions and private donors, please contact:

    KfW Development Bank
    Ines Ebrecht

    Palmengartenstr. 5-9
    60325 Frankfurt am Main

    T +49 (0) 69 7431 - 3968
    F +49 (0) 69 7431 - 3279

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Sustainability-related information

SANAD is an impact fund that aims to foster economic development and prosperity in Southeast Europe and the E.U. Eastern Neighborhood Region by supporting micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and improving living conditions for households. At this final target group level, the positive impact goal of the fund is to support employment opportunities (as both self-employed and as an employee), supporting the generation of income and improving livelihoods.

In line with its sustainable investment objective, the fund falls within the scope of Article 9 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

For sustainability-related disclosures in line with the requirements of the SFDR and more details on the fund’s approach to impact and sustainability, please refer to: